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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Healthy Living Tips

This is the tip of healthy life style simply because here I am I do not discuss the weight - the weight light enough that just because my ability is still less than perfect.
just below see:
1. drinking water in sufficient
Why there? human body is not going to give signals of thirst until the body actually
lack of water or become dehydrated. Why water? because two-thirds of our body consists of water, then
Water is an essential element for the body. Every day we lose 1.5 liters of water through the skin, lungs and kidneys
(In the form of urine). For that loss should be replaced with sufficient quantities, so the body will
avoid fatigue, headaches, dull skin and bad mood.
2. breakfast every day
Why there? The reason is often heard is that not enough time for breakfast. Why breakfast?
If breakfast is missed it will affect work productivity. For that 'listen' to your body
by conducting regular healthy breakfast every day. Healthy Breakfast is fairly nutritional snacks
like a glass of milk or fruit juice or breakfast ready to eat nutrient-rich and low in fat.
3. a nutritious lunch
usually excess carbohydrates often occur at lunch, or less
solutions add lauknya course, eating a piece of fruit or a cup of yogurt.
4. Ceramic dinner
Why there? Usually after a tired day of work, it will be lazy when I have to prepare meals
night. Why disiasati? Because usually when not preparing dinner then fast food or takeaway
food, which must contain high fat and salt. The fix??, Eat something before going home
office and fill the freezer with food that is more durable savings for emergencies. If
forced to buy food, better to avoid fried foods and think about the food
contains nutrients, which most do not, quite.
5. Avoid smoking
usually smoking causes disease and everyone knew it.
6. avoid drinking alcohol
alcohol is usually used to perfume so do not be drunk yes
7. Do not ever try to - try to drugs
because the effect could kill yourself slowly - land.
Hopefully Helpful ...

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